Friday, October 20, 2017

Looking through great phone today, I came upon a picture I had on Monday; it was my LOTD (lip of your day) which was Calcium Crimes Countessa Fluorescent (see major article photo for the real lip swatch).

Seeing the picture got me planning on Lime Crime and lots of the controversy behind the type (if youre not comfortable, Google them and you can see pages upon pages about info). The first time I noticed the drama I determined it very interesting to read simple things about, but my opinion about the brand didn't really shift. Before you show up inside my house with a combusting torch, let me clarify why.

I buy Lime Crime for a products, not their values. What they choose to employ in their business impacts them because obviously one excellent amount of people possess boycotted this brand altogether. I do realize it again did, at a level, indirectly affect the wholesalers. Still, with the exploitation from said business practices, we can all feel comfortable knowing that awareness helped get these wholesalers the work they deserve and can have lost.

Im possibly not saying what allegedly occurred is fair (remember: when they get home of the day most of these accusations began as rumors), but I merely feel that people may put an excessive amount emphasis on things of which dont directly involve him or her. If you feel who Lime Crime has genuinely offended you, then that's okay and thats a prerogative. Im simply here today to get a question in your head: what are you investing in your makeup for: the product or service, or the business?

Have you ever refused to get from a brand? The ones that and why? Id adore to hear your thoughts listed below. Leave a comment, register, and dont forget which you can follow me on Twitter and additionally Youtube.

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