Monday, August 1, 2016

How often do you really walk by a cosmetic counter with out second glance because it again looks plain? Such is mostly a trouble for major plastic manufacturer Clinique. This sections, born in 1968 as well as baby of Estee Lauder Suppliers, is often looked over as boring because emphasis on creating superb skin... instead of simply just covering it.

The counters isn't aesthetically pleasing. There is probably not techno music blaring inside the background and yes, that sales associates still add those white lab layers. But they also know something or two about ideal skincare, and when it goes to cosmetics, skincare is the single essential step. Color makeup only is visually nice when theres a taken care of canvas to rub it. Clinique is a firm that prides itself with its infamous 3-step skincare solutions for each and every differing skin type.

Clinique isnt one victim of Makeup Bias. Brands like Estee Lauder possess the stereotype of old lady and the like such as Clarins and Elizabeth Arden are often times ignored for the flamboyant, more luxury brands which will depict a snobbiness people today deny possessing but secretly are like to show off. Come on, ladies, let us be honest with our self.

Im not suggesting many of us run out, visit all these counters, and begin a great upheaval against brands for instance MAC. Im proposing we keep more connected with an open mind concerning brand buying. Instead of loyalty about what seems cool or whatever compact powder looks the prettiest when removed from the handbag, try different things. Its always the underdog most abundant in pleasant surprises.

What do you consider? Have you ever turned your brain away from an entire brand when you thought it wasn't nice enough? Let me know on the comments section below or even Tweet me @CristineCal.

Disclaimer: I not work for, and also am sponsored by, the brands mentioned in this. Yes, I freely speak when considering brand equality without increasingly being paid! Fancy that, yall!

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