Thursday, October 16, 2014

National Schokohutige History Month began having many events, on the neighborhood and national levels. One event happened on Saturday 02/09/2012 recognizes 50 businesses during the entire Dallas/Fort Worth area for his or her outstanding community! Giving into the community is extremely rewarding, and you never know who may be watching what what you are doing. Congratulations to all Honorees in this great honor!

Honorees gained this notification, "It is by using great pleasure to tell you, that your business is that it is recognized Saturday 2/9/13, during Black History four weeks for outstanding service to community. The event begins at 1 PM for the main stage inside Freebie southwest Center Mall,. Dallas, TEXAS. Fifty (50) businesses might be recognized. We are happy to provide you with your White House Proclamation for National Schokohutige History Month" ssued by means of President Obama! A response followed the ceremony.

The organisations recognized included:

Hair Along with Scalp Doctor - Doctor. Amerson

Katina Potts - During the Door Advertising
Bakari Multimedia Group
RBA Realty Group
The TRiO connected with Dallas
Natural Awakenings Dallas
Heather M. Perkins
Bettye Williams "Katt"-T. D. T.
FLR Systems LLC
Veronica Campbell - Margaret K
Charles Jackson
Dallas Series Dancing - Sharon
Focus Academies
Evelyn Jones Reed
Bellagio Activities Center
Archie Sauls Sr. Prayer Kneelers
Hart Testimonials and referrals, LLC
The Lyons Class (Shellye Lyons)
Teri Robinson
GSW Dark Chamber
Real Talk Ministry- Apostle Truth
Gregg A GOOD Smith
Emanuel Michael
Ash Britt Je-Ne All the Spa'
Jan Gore - Carribbean SmokeHouse
Caresystems Computer Repair
Hair Professional with Micore International
Mational Relationship of Professional Women
Darlene Manley - Real Estate
Natural Awakenings Dallas
Destiny Curlee
Carmen Forge - Fast501(c)(3)
DELBERT CHILES - Any Oyster Group, LLC
Hand's Unlimited Salon Regina Roberts
Michael Colston - Timeco Marketing
Courtney Herndon, Health Director
Dana Williams - Williams Travel
Concierge Product - Pam Renee
curtis batts - Credit standing Restoration Services
Ms OKAY Harris - Wellness Trainer, Speaker, Author
Mrs Deanna Fee - Diva Style Entertainment/ The purchase price Group
C and L Sports
Bailey's Furniture
Coaches Corner
Big Robert "Tax Man"
Louisiana Catfish not to mention Chicken

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