Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The European Fee hailed has voted towards ban animal for cosmetic foundations. More than 80 nations around the world must test their products on animals for legal reasons. However, this ban will have an effect in any company's capability sell across Europe.

Since most cosmetics products are manufactured in China. They certainly will have to change the practices. You will be conscious of the not tested on animals of all of their newer goods. The sale of almost any cosmetic product tested with animals will now be illegal on the EU, regardless of nation the animals were subjected to testing in. Japanese cosmetic brand Shiseido announced could possibly end virtually all animal testing as a result of the EU ban.

In north america, a large percentage on the animals used in this type of testing, such as laboratory-bred rats and mice commonly are not counted in official numbers and receive no protection within Animal Welfare Act. "

  • Ban on animal testing - European Commission

    ec. europa. eu/consumers/sectors/cosmetics/animal-testing/index_en. htm

    This page provides advice on animal testing connected to the cosmetics sector.

  • Finally! EU Arranged to Ban Cosmetics Testing on Animals This kind of

    www. care2. com/causes/finally-eu-set-to-ban-cosmetics-testing-on...

    After ages of delays, disappointment together with campaigning by animal advocacy teams, the European Union might be finally set to enact it is ban on animal testing for cosmetics...

  • Victory! Commissioner Concurs with That EU Cosmetics Testing Ban

    blog. peta. org. uk/2013/02/victory-commissioner-confirms-that-eu...

    Weve just sent the European Commission an enormous bouquet of flowers. The key reason why? Because were delighted by your fantastic news that a ban to the sale of all animal-tested...

  • Shiseido Ends Animal Testing Before EU Ban

    www. huffingtonpost. com/2013/03/04/shiseido-animal-testing-eu-ban_n...

    Mar 04, 2013 With the European Union's new ban coming, Shiseido has officially ended animal testing due to the products. According to Kind Wear

  • European Unions Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics in order to

    style. time. com/2013/02/04/european-unions-ban-on-animal-testing...

    Feb 04, 2013 European Unions Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics to get started on in March. The ban will have an affect on all toiletries and cosmetics, from makeup to cleaning agent to...

  • EU Cosmetics Testing Ban Gets started, Will US Ever Carry out? Care2

    www. care2. com/causes/eu-cosmetics-testing-ban-begins-will-the-us...

    Today, Strut 11, marks the culmination with 23 years of campaigning to absolve the suffering for animals who have been used in tests for cosmetics sold with the European Union...

  • EUROPA - PRESS ANNOUNCMENTS - Press Release - Entire EU ban on animal...

    europa. eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-210_en. htm

    European Money. Press release. Brussels, 11 Strut 2013. Full EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics makes its way into into force. Today the final deadline to phase apart...

  • Animal testing for cosmetics for Europe finally set to get rid of!

    crueltyfreeinternational. org/en/the-solution/animal-testing-for...

    Animal testing for cosmetics around Europe finally set to finish! 2013 is set becoming a truly historic year intended for Cruelty Free International in addition to our founding organisation all the BUAV:

  • What now for any cosmetics industry after EU ban on animal testing...

    metro. company. uk/2013/03/19/cosmetics-animal-testing-3547902

    It was proclaimed by way of the RSPCA as a fantastic day for animals. A couple weeks ago, after 30 years regarding campaigning, those against testing cosmetics on animals got something to...

  • Animal Testing Connected with Cosmetics Officially Banned Within European Union

    www. huffingtonpost. com/2013/02/06/cosmetic-testing-animals...

    Feb 06, 2013 The European Coalition to finish Animal Experiments has a product to celebrate this winter weather; after years (23 for being exact) of effort, your group has succeeded during...

  • Cosmetics Europe - The private Care Association

    www. cosmeticseurope. eu

    Cosmetics Europe - The non-public Care Association. Cosmetics Europe become the voice of Europes EUR 58. 1 million cosmetic, toiletry and perfumery market place since 1962.

  • Animal Testing Banned To all Cosmetics Sold In The particular European Union...

    www. fastcompany. com/3006867/fast-feed/animal-testing-banned-all...

    Animal privileges activists rejoice: A total ban on animal testing by cosmetic companies is currently in effect in that European Union. The ban requires every one new cosmetics...

  • Petition Ban Animal Testing for Cosmetic Supplements Change. org

    www. change. org/petitions/ban-animal-testing-for-cosmetic-products

    Across the nation, thousands of animals really are locked in laboratory cages with this very moment. They deal with terrifying and painful methods, living...

  • Europe Bans Selling of Cosmetics Tested on Animals

    ens-newswire. com/2013/03/11/europe-bans-marketing-of-cosmetics...

    BRUSSELS, Belgium, Walk 11, 2013 (ENS) Cosmetics tested on animals all over the world can no longer be marketed within the European Union currently in line...

  • Europe desires US, China to match up ban on animal-tested cosmetics

    news. bing. com/science-technology/europe-urges-us-china-to-match-ban...

    BRUSSELS The European Union likes to persuade countries for example the United States and China to consider its ban on all the sale of new cosmetics examined on animals

  • Animal Testing - Cosmetics Type Europe - Cosmetics

    www. cosmeticsdesign-europe. com/Hot-Topics/Animal-Testing

    Daily news flash on cosmetics industry in addition to manufacturers in Europe. Free permission to access news on cosmetics the labels, supply, ingredients, cosmeceuticals, and additionally labelling.

  • Support EU Ban On Animal Testing As a result of 2013 - The Case Site

    www. thepetitionsite. com/1/Support-EU-Ban-On-Animal-Testing-By-2013

    pledge your support in the European Union for the particular Ban on all Animal testing to remain complete by the time 2013. (6602 signatures with petition)

  • India may ban testing cosmetics on animals - Occasions Of India

    articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com European Union

    Jan 07, 2013 DIFFERENT DELHI: India in a landmark move is interested in impose a blanket ban in testing cosmetics on animals. The Bureau of Of india Standards (BSI) is


    www. myspace. com/watch? v=vF-yh9nT1gk

    Are you weary of searching for the MOST UNFORTUNATE foundation? Do you really miss caky foundation? Shiny Face? Large pores! Look certainly no further! I have a foundation available for you...

  • Animal testing - Wikipedia, that free encyclopedia

    en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Animal_testing

    Animal testing, generally known as animal experimentation, animal researching, and in vivo testing, is the installation of non-human animals in trials (although some research...

  • Urge Martha Kay Cosmetics to Return to Ban on Animal Testing -

    forcechange. com/61540/... kay-cosmetics-to-resume-ban-on-animal-testing

    Despite proudly being cruelty-free to your past 20 years, Mary Kay Cosmetics a short time ago resumed animal testing on account of government regulations in Chinaand did not...

  • Questions and Responses: Animal testing and cosmetics

    europa. eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-188_en. htm

    European " transaction fee ". MEMO. Brussels, 11 03 2013. Questions and Solutions: Animal testing and cosmetics. Cosmetic products cover anything from everyday hygiene

  • Communication on animal testing ban - EUROPA - European

    ec. europa. eu/consumers/sectors/cosmetics/files/pdf/animal_testing/... PDF FILE file

    en en european commission payment brussels, 11. 3. 2013 com(2013) 135 final communication belonging to the commission to the european parliament as well as council

  • ban fur farms inside the European Union - Entertain for Animals!

    www. occupyforanimals. org/ban-fur-farms-in-the-european-union. html

    Fur farming is definitely the practice of breeding or raising certain varieties of animals for their dog's fur. Fur used from animals caught inside wild is not thought to be farmed fur, and...


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