Friday, February 7, 2014

With the stressful year going on, our memories are racing with opinions of gift shopping, job, school finals, in-laws arriving over, and more. This can bring on illnesses much like the flu, anxiety, and loss in sleep, which can contribute to not looking our best for any holidays. Enter 1 Time Break, a natural Kava herb spray providing you with instant relief from worry, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

1 Hour Break will come in a small spray flask that easily fits with your purse to carry along anywhere. When youre feeling overwhelmed or cant get to sleep, take 5 15 sprays inside your mouth and wait 10 mere seconds to swallow.

For more information or to have a purchase, visit 1 Per hour Break online.

1 Hour Break is very sure youll love this product, that they want one to try it for no cost! Visit them online to determine how.

Business inquiries/promotions, concepts, and more, email Sandra.

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