Wednesday, November 20, 2013

There is inevitably that times have changed as the savvy are engaging in web 2 . 0 tools including Facebook in addition to Twitter. CosmeticsDesign-Europe. com executed an interview with Harriet Kingaby, some sort of strategist from Ogilvy This planet. Kingaby works with companies to support them with branding not to mention engaging audiences. According to Harriet Kingaby a number of cosmetics and beauty companies have jumped around the social media bandwagon but they also have not yet identified how to connect with the help of and engage consumers.

Research shows that 90 percent of adults use social media marketing including communities such simply because Facebook and Twitter. Further research also shows that 79 percent of users who shop online for cosmetics and bath and body goods spend half time doing research before getting a purchase. According to Kingaby just by cosmetics and beauty models inviting fans to 'like' most of the Facebook page it creates a very personal feeling. Consumers who are related to brands by liking these folks on Facebook or using them on Twitter are 79 percent quite likely going to purchase from them.

Harriet Kingaby also states that on the subject of social media most providers need improvement. She commends brands including MAC Cosmetics who definitely have made the effort to improve and find customers. Kinagaby believes that on the list of key points to interact with consumers is that beauty brands end up being honest with their customers about what's for their products.

When it goes to shopping what makes you should purchase from a unique brand?

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